System Specifications: Press force: 141 US Tons
Bending length: 127"
Width between columns: 106"
Usable installation height: 24"
Throat: 16.5"
Operating height: 43.1" - 43.8"
Inclination of beam: +/- 0.39"
Y rapid: 520 in/min
Y working: 24 to 48 in/min.
Y return traverse speed: 520 in/min
X axis: 2362 in/min.
R axis: 780 in/min.
Z axis: 2362 in/min.
Y axis position accuracy: 0.0002 in.
X axis position accuracy: 0.002 in.
R axis position accuracy: 0.003 in.
Working range
Y axis stroke: 17.5 in.
Travel path X axis: 24 in.
Max. gauge area in X: 34 in.
Travel path R axis: 10 in.
Control: TASC 6000
Connection values
Connected load: 27 kVA
Oil capacity: 58 gal.
Dimensions and weight:
Length x Width: 160 x 69 in.
Height: 112 in.
Weight: 24,030 lbs.
Equipped With:
6 Axis Control and backgauge
Hydraulic Clamps.
These reduction bushes allow for the fitting of boring bars and drills with a straight shaft. All sizes are manufactured in a range of capacities. The sleeves are hardened and ground for a good fit for both the holder and the shaft.
Click on link below for Amada Brochure with specifications:
Closed centre cylinder with compact design and built in Rotary Joint for through air or coolant capacity. Features include built-in check and pressure relief valve along with stroke sensor switches as well as rotary joint.